Wednesday, December 16, 2015

                       Final Part 1 of 2
                      Class Evaluation

What I liked about this class is that we would do some research about a career and we would talk about quotes.Also what I liked about this class is that we would do student success statements.What I did not like about this class is that we have to do typing tutor every morning.Another thing I did not like about this class is when we had to to a student success statement and do it all in ten or more sentences.A suggestion to improve this class would be to be more creative and to not type to many sentences.Yes I think I did my very best in this class because I worked hard and I tried my best to make my work interesting. Yes I am committed to being a ctr person because I work hard. Also I always do whats right all the time and this class made me a better person to choose the right.This class also had made me a better person and I thought that I did pretty good in this class.Choose the right and you will be a good caring,loving,loyal person if you choose the right.

Monday, December 14, 2015

                         IDP Showcase

My IDP was about Heart Disease which may be known as Cardiovascular Disease.My part of the presentation was to say and to describe what are the treatments and care are for Heart Disease.In my opinion I thought me and my team members did pretty good. I was a bit nervous at the beginning but then after it went away. Something new I got to learn is that its not that bad to present. Also something new I learned about heart disease is that its also called cardiovascular disease and I did not know that. Also my power point came out pretty good and my creative component also.The creative component had my voice in it. This project benefited me because now I got to learn something I had no idea about.Also this benefited me because now I know what i cant do to prevent heart disease.
 "Always do the right."        -Mark Twain

REFLECTION: This quote states that to always do the right thing at all times.This quote also means that to always choose the right thing because its a good thing for you.I agree with this quote because its saying not to be lazy,rude,disrespectful and dishonorable. I also agree with this quote because its saying to do the right and you need to choose the right in order to succeed in life.An example would be don't do what your friends say or do you just need to do the right thing. Also if your friends want to smoke and they say if you do it then you are cool don't lessen to them you choose whats best for you. A last example would be if your friends want you to go to a party but you don't to because you need to study for finials then you better study for finals. Its better to succeed in life than be a huge failure. Always do whats best and don't do whats wrong!So choose the right and you will be happy and successful!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

" If we do whats right,we have no need to                              fear". -Evan Stephens

 REFLECTION: This quote states that to do whats right and and you wont have to fear of anything.This quote also states that choose the right and you will have nothing to worry about nothing.I agree with this quote because its true you need to choose the right,be happy and to never worry about anything.An example for this quote would be if you do all your homework you won't worry about getting no credit on your homework.An example of choosing the wrong would be if you decide to not do your homework you should worry about your grade and if its gonna decrease.You need to be a good person and do what's best for you and you will be a good successful person in life.And if you don't do whats right for you ,you can fail.A last example could be if you decide to smoke and you don't want to get caught you have a high chance of  getting caught. Don't be that person be a good,nice,helpful,loyal and responsible person. So choose the right and you will be a awesome person.

Friday, December 4, 2015

  1.Can people trust me to do what's right?
  2.Am I committed to doing my very best?
  3.Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
  "If the answers to these questions are YES,there is no way you can fail." -Lou Holtz

REFLECTION: This quote states that if you do what the questions say then you will never fail.Also this states thats you need people that can trust you,committed on doing your very best and treat others the way you want to be treated.I agree with this quote because its true you need to follow the 3 questions with the answer yes.Also I do agree because I do all these things with an answer yes and I choose the right.An example is if you think these questions are no good then you could think that and fail.Another example would be if your friends avoid these questions and they may be choosing the wrong.Dont follow what your friends do do whats best for you and choose the right.Even if you don't want to follow these questions still do it because you will succeed and be happy. Be a person that is lovely,responsible,caring,and trustworthy.So choose the right and you will be a successful person.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

 "physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body,it is the basics of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.The  relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex.Much is not yet understood.But we do know what the Greeks knew:that intelligence and skills can only function at the park of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." -John F.Kennedy

Reflection:This quote states that the key to physical fitness is dynamic and the creative intellectual activity.Also it states that you need to stay healthy and you will have good intelligence according to the greeks.And this quote tells you that the activities of the mind are subtle and complex. I do agree with this quote because its true on what its saying.Another reason why I do agree with this quote is because it is the key of healthy body and the dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Lastly I agree with john is because its saying not to do drugs.Also be physical fit and a good complex.

Greece is strategically located at the crossroads of Europe.
 Athens is nations capital and largest city.Which is commonly refferd to the capital.Greece has one of the longest histories in a lifetime.Greece is also known for their beaches and sand.In 2011 the population was about 11 million and did you know that the languege that most people use is greek for the people who mostly live there. 

reece's population is around 10.8 million. 
The highest mountain in Greece is Mount Olympus, it has over 50 peaks with the highest reaching 2917 metres (9570 feet. It's one of the most mountainous place there is.I selected this place because I want to go here some day with my family and friends. Also I selected this place because I want to see what it may be like to go there and visit there and live there for a couple of days.Lastly did you know that the first olympic games were at Greece!

Monday, November 30, 2015

" Kindness is the essence of greatness."-Joseph B. Wirthlin

 REFLECTION: This quote states that you are kind you are a good greatness. This also says that if you choose the right and choose to be kind you will have the essence of greatness. I agree with this quote because its a really good meaningful quote. Another reason why I do agree with this quote is because it states that be kind and in return you will get essence of greatness. So you need to make sure and choose the right and good things will happen to you.This quote its very meaningful because act of kindness is a huge deal to me and maybe others. An example would be if you see someone that needs help you go do an act of kindness to them and help them. Another example would be if you see someone that may forgot something go do whats right and give them back there belongings. Have a heart and do whats right and be kind to one another! And have the spirit to do so so choose the right and be kind and you will have the essence of greatness!
         What I did on Thanksgiving week?

REFLECTION: What I got to do for thanksgiving break is I got to watch movies and be in my pjs all day. On thanksgiving day I got to eat turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, pumpkin pie, soda and ham. Many people went black friday shopping the next day but I didn't this year I was just home relaxing. Also it was my friends  Adrianas birthday that week. Also I got to organize my binder for today's binder check for biology class with ms.munoz. Me and my sister would watch some really scary movies sometimes. I got to make some yummy cupcakes for thanksgiving and everyone liked them! On friday I got eat more thanksgiving dinner. My cousins also came over and it was fun. Then I got to go to my best friends Destenys house where I got to see my other bestfriend America. And my mom also made ham, corn, mashed potatoes on Sunday. Then on that same day my dad and I went shopping for some little things. Lastly I spend thanksgiving break with my wonderful family and im very thankful for them.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

 "If its not right;do not do it; if it is not true, do not       say it."                                    -Marcus Aurelius

REFLECTION:This quote states that you need to choose the right and if you think that something is wrong then do not do it and do what's good for you.This quote also states that if its also not true do not say it and choose the right thing.I agree with this quote because it shows me to do what best for me. Also i agree with this quote because if its a wrong thing than don't do it and if its a good thing then do it. One example would be if your friends tell you to something that is not true than you choose the right and you need to tell the truth.Another example is if your friends tell you a really big lie about someone do not say it and stand up for the truth.I really like this quote because it has a really good meaning to it. Also this quote is very true.All you need to do is to choose the right and do not lie about anything.A last example is when you want to lie don't lie tell the truth.And if you choose the right it makes you a better person in life.And if you lie you will be dealing with the consequences. 
Thanksgiving And Thanksgiving                        Day

 Thanksgiving day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and the United States as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. And that date of Thanksgiving is November 26th.In the United States, the modern Thanksgiving holiday tradition is commonly, but not universally, traced to a sparsely documented 1621 celebration at plymouth in present-day massachusetts . The 1621 Plymouth feast and Thanksgiving, currently celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November by federal legislation in 1941.Thanksgiving, currently celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November by federal legislation in 1941, has been an annual tradition in the United States by presidential proclamation since 1863 and by state legislation since the founding fathers of the united states. Traditional foods are a large part of Thanksgiving celebrations. Many families include the entire family in the food prearation. Traditional foods include turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Many people serve pie for dessert at the end of the meal.In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.Then the next day is BLACK FRIDAY !!!! Black friday is where malls stores have super good sales!!! And people go really crazy when the store opens. And people even wait a week in front of the store to get what they want . Plus there is always a huge line waiting just to go into the store.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing".  -Chick Moorman

 REFLECTION: This quote is saying that do the right thing and being fair is more important than winning or losing.Also it is saying that do cheat just be kind and fair to others at all times.I do agree with this quote because it means a lot and it explains a lot to always be fair and do the right thing at all times.Another reason why i do agree with this quote is because it wants you to choose the right and be fair. Also don't choose the wrong because if you choose the wrong you will have to deal with the consequences. An example is when you cut in line just choose the right and tell the truth. Another example is when you cheated on a race just tell the truth! Do the right thing and be fair and you will not care if you lost or won you just want to know that you did the right thing. Life does not always have to be competition but you just choose the right and you will be happy. So always choose the right and be fair and you will be happy and you will be successful.  

Friday, November 13, 2015

 "1. Have the courage to say no

   2. Have the courage to face the truth         -W.Clement Stone

   3. Do the right thing because it is right

    These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity."

                  Health Sciences Librarian

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The nation's health sciences librarians must continue to play a significant role in the expert retrieval and evaluation of information in support of knowledge- and evidence-based clinical, scientific, and administrative decision making at all health institutions.
health librarian 
Salary: $47,875
Education: A four-year bachelor's degree is then required, including courses such as science and computer science. A master's degree in library science (MLS) is mandatory.

REFLECTION: Yes! I would like to be one because it sounds like a really good job. Also because it has something to do with medical and helping others!Lastly why I like this career is because it helps to support the knowledge and it is based on a clinic also!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

                                      VETERANS DAY!!

  What is Veterans Day?

Veterans Day public holiday held on the anniversary of the end of World War I (November 11) to honor US veterans and victims of all wars. It replaced Armistice Day in 1954.


It’s on November 11!


In the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became Veterans Day, a holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars.


Because its shows good honor in who served are country and who loved ones passed away.                                                                

   LIST SEVERAL WAYS TO SHOW HONOR AND RESPECT ON VETERANS DAY.            Go to a memorial service, thank them and support them all!   

  REFLECTION: well Veterans Day is a day to support. Also it’s a day to support loved ones and friends. Even its hard thinking that a loved one had passed away. And did you know that on Veterans Day most schools don’t have school they have a day off. In my opinion I like that Veterans Day is a good day to go out and celebrate all the people who served are country. Even though you don’t know them go out somewhere and support them and anyone who have served our country.  Sometimes in the beach Santa Monica there is a memorial for all the people what have passed away to show kindness. You should really thank all the people who served are country.                       

Friday, November 6, 2015

" He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but         a companion of fools shall destroyed".

REFLECTION: This quote states that if you hang out with the wrong people you are going to be like them and want to do bad things.Also if you choose the right and you hangout with the good people you will most likely to succeed!I do agree with this quote because this quote give people advice into choosing who your real friends are. Another reason why i do agree with this quote is because it explains a lot and it a very good quote to share out to other people.An example would be choose the right and you will be achieving and when you choose the wrong you will not succeed.Also another example would be if your friends smoke you choose what's best for you.Also this quote states that you need to choose the right friends and not do bad things. Another reason why this quote is so good is because if you choose to hang out with the wrong friends you will become one. And then if you choose the right and choose the good friends you will be like them .so choose the right friends and people to hang out with!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2015

  "Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong , even if everyone is for it"
                      - William Penn

 REFLECTION: This quote means if you may be right even if people are against it. Also it means it may be wrong  even it people are up for it. Also this quote means that choose what is you opinion and what you want to believe in not what anyone else does. I agree with this quote because it states a lot like choose what you truly believe even if it's wrong.Another reason why I do agree with this quote is because it means on what you believe in and what you think and it's a very good quote!An example of this quote is when your friends think that it's ok to smoke but you don't think it's ok you choose the right and what's best for you. Another example is when your sister thinks that she did something wrong but you thing she did not you choose what's right even if may be wrong. This quote is a good quote because it states a lot. And this quote means whatever you choose, choose it and be grateful even if it may be right or wrong. Always choose the right!
                                            Health Educator

 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Health educators teach people about behaviors that promote wellness. They develop and implement strategies to improve the health of individuals and communities. Community health workers collect data and discuss health concerns with members of specific populations or communities.

SALARY: Their salary is about $41,830

EDUCATION:  What you need to become one is you need to have a science and health major and you need to have a bachelor’s degree

  REFLECTION: Yes I would like to be one because I love the subject health. And I also like to work with kids and people in case they need any help with anything.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

 "Choose being kind over being right, and you'll                        be right all the time".

REFLECTION: This quote sates that to choose the right and you will always be right. Also this quote states that be kind and you will always be right. Even you need to choose the right because you need to know what you are doing and how you are doing it. I agree with this quote because it has a really good meaning to it. Another reason why I do agree to it is because you need to also be kind at all times. An example is my sister she is always kind and right. Also another example is when you choose the right and be kind you will get it in return. I really liked this quote because it's a really good awesome quote and it has many meanings to it. So choose the right and be kind and you will be right. And don't forget to always to choose the right at all time no matter where you are!!


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITYS: There duties are to teach children and young adults to be successful in life. And there responsibilities are to teach the children and young adults to choose the right and education first!
SALARY: about well it depends were you teach at but the highest would be teacher in high school which is about $55k
EDUCATION: They must need to have a bachelor’s degree and they need to have skills of teaching kids

  REFLECTION: SHOULD I BE ONE? In my opinion I would like to be a teacher because I love working with kids and I would like to help students and I like to teach anything to students anytime.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

 "Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you  want now.Write down what you want most and           see it often".                  -peter vidmar

REFLECTION: This quote means do not sacrifice what you want the most and for what you want.Also it's saying to do what you want the most and see often. I agree with this quote because its saying what's right!!! Well i do agree because i peter is saying what is correct like do what you want to do and be successful at it.An example is when you want to achieve on something you need to do what's best for you and what you want to do. For example choose the right and be successful and good at it in order to be good and successful at it. An example of choosing the wrong would be if you choose not to be successful and sacrifice you will really not succeed on anything.Also do all you homework and school wise things correct and be successful at school and you will be successful.Do whats best for you and you dont need to sacrifice for nothing just do whats best for you.
          Healthcare Administrator

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: They treat medical conditions and they also they get to task at hospitals. And there duties are to schedule an appointment.

SALARY: $88,580

EDUCATION: In order to be a healthcare administrator you need to have Bachelor’s degree and you need to also manage the business in health care.


REFLECTION: I would want to be one because it sounds really interesting and it involves nursing. By the way it involves a medical career in it and I wanted to be something that involves medical in it. It’s a really good career. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

 "A good name is rather to be chosen than great                                     riches."

REFLECTION: Well this quote states that being a good name is chosen to be better than being rich. Also this means that being rich can cause most people to not be happy and having consequences. I agree with this quote because it is really true most people that are rich they are sad and maybe lonely. And then while others are having fun and being happy together.Another reason why i do agree is because it's true i heard many stories about really rich people are getting divorced etc.Lastly a good name and successful name is better that not doing nothing and being known for being rich. An example is when couples get divorced just like i just said. Then a good example is when you want to be happy and live a good successful life. So in my opinion i think that being successful is better that being known for money. So choose what's best for you.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

 " A good name is better than anything you can                  achieve in this life " - Coach K

REFLECTION: This quote states that if you choose the right then you will get a good name and everyone will know who you are.This also states that with a good name is when you become successful in life and things you achieve in life. And it's really important to do this because don't you want a good and successful life.I do agree with this quote because Coach K is correct a good name=success.Another reason why I do agree with this quote is because It has a powerful meaning.Also if you choose the right and be a wonderful,successful person then you will succeed in life and you will be recognized by anyone. An example is when you get a 4.0 in you grades you will be recognized by people. Another example is when you graduate college and beginning you career you will somehow get know by your family or by others.If you choose the wrong you will never get know but maybe you will for being a criminal or something. So choose the right thing and you will be successful in life and you will get known somehow. BE SUCCESSFUL!!!!!    

Monday, October 19, 2015

     "If your so-called  friends urge you to do     anything you know to be wrong, you be the one        to make a stand alone. Have the        moral courage to be a light for others to            follow."              -THOMAS S. MONSON

Reflection: Thomas is saying that if your friends do something bad just don't go and do it with them just choose the right even if it's by yourself.Also this quote says that stand up for yourself even if you're alone doing it and just have courage.I agree with this quote because he's right even if you have to stand up for something do it alone if you need to. Another reason why i do agree with this quote is because you don't need to listen to your friends you just need to choose the right and do what's best for you.Another reason why agree is because you don't need to listen to others you just need to do what you want and what's good for you.An example is don't do bad things with your friends and think its ok because it may not be ok and you just need to do what's good for you. Also you make the choice if you want to do bad things or not. And why do you want to choose the wrong when you could choose the right!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

   " A CTR champion is a person who makes a         great human out of himself "-Noemi Trigueros 

REFLECTION: This quote states that if you choose the right you will make a good personality out of yourself. Also it's saying that if you choose the right all the time you will become a good and successful person and you will be a nice person to. I do agree with this quote because it makes a good statement!! It makes a good statement because it talks about that if you choose the right and always choose the right you can be a successful CTR CAMPION!!! Also another reason why I do agree with this quote is because it can help you so much in things and it can make you understand better and achieve better. An example is when you choose the right it makes you become a better successful person. And when you choose the wrong you will get the negative consequences. Also you need to choose the right if you want to be a good helpful person and become a CTR CHAMPION!!   
(ENT) Specialist (ear, nose and throat)


DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:  An ENT stands for ear, nose, and throat. And what they do is the treat the ear the nose and the throat. Also they make sure that everything is ok and that nothing is bothering you.

SALARY: $302,500

EDUCATION: In order to be an ENT you need to have a bachelor’s degree and you need to go to medical school to know about the ENT and to know a lot about in order to be one    



REFLECTION: Yes I would want to be an ENT because they learn and know about the ear nose and the throat and to me that sound like an interesting job and it’s a very good job!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"success is not an accident. success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have of                                                                                    tomorrow"?               - Alan Stein

    Reflection: This quote states that success is a choice you make and that you are responsible for that. Also it's saying that when you success you make better choices and you feel good about yourself.Also i do agree with this quote because its true!!!!!This quote is true because you make the choice if you want to succeed or not and if you choose to do the right thing than it will make you a better person and it will help you and feel good about yourself.Another reason why i do agree with this quote is because its saying that the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have tommarow.So its saying that the big habits you have today will become into dreams soon. An example is that do what you are expected to do and you will feel good. Another example is when you do all you chor's you will feel good and you will succeed. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

   "when obedience becomes our goal,it is no           longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling     block,it becomes a building block."-James                                                                               E.Faust

This quote states that obedience is a goal that is never irritation and instead of falling you keep on getting back up!Also I do agree with quote.I agree with this quote because it's telling you something you need to know!It's telling you that is you fall to get back up and it sounds like a building block because you are trying to reach all the way to the top.Another reason why i agree with James quote is that always do what you need to do and reach your goal!!!!!An example is that if your friends do something bad don't do it do the right thing and what the best for you.Even if you have a goal then don't avoid it do whatever you can to get there and to achieve your goal.Be a better person and achieve your goal and pay attention to anything else but your goal in life.Another example is when you fall you need to get back up and keep on going. So choose the right thing and don't give up on yourself!!!